Camp Legacy

About Camp Legacy

The pur­pose of Camp Lega­cy is for campers to meet oth­er chil­dren and teens their own age, who have also been impact­ed by the death of a loved one. This is a time for con­nec­tion, meet­ing oth­er chil­dren who are also expe­ri­enc­ing grief, help­ing chil­dren to under­stand their feel­ings of grief are like oth­ers, leav­ing them with a sense of com­mu­ni­ty and know­ing that they are not griev­ing alone.

Grief work is hard work, so camp will pro­vide plen­ty of fun. Time to run, play, cre­ate and be them­selves, all while enjoy­ing the full out­door camp expe­ri­ence!

Space is lim­it­ed to 50 campers, so be sure to reg­is­ter by April 1st to secure your spot!

Reg­is­ter for camp today!

We are com­mit­ted to serv­ing all kids in need of our ser­vices. If any par­tic­i­pant needs accom­mo­da­tion to par­tic­i­pate, please let us know. If you need trans­la­tion help or oth­er sup­port with the appli­ca­tion process, please con­tact DonorFamilyCareInbox@​iadn.​org.

When and Where

When: Sat­ur­day, May 172025

  • Check-In: 8:00 AM
  • Check-Out: 4:30 PM 

Where: Des Moines Y Camp in Boone, IA. , 1192 166th Dri­ve #1, Boone, IA 50036 — Direc­tions

Who is Eligible


Camp Lega­cy is a free one-day grief camp for chil­dren who have been impact­ed by the gift of organ, tis­sue and eye dona­tion. Camp is open to kids ages of 6 – 17 and must have com­plet­ed kinder­garten. We don’t deter­mine who is impor­tant in the lives of your chil­dren, so there are no lim­its on the rela­tion to our campers and their loved one.


For the impor­tant adults sup­port­ing our campers, we offer time for con­nec­tion, reflec­tion, relax­ation, remem­brance, and com­mu­ni­ty, acknowl­edg­ing your role in sup­port­ing young campers while nav­i­gat­ing your own grief jour­ney. To reg­is­ter as an adult par­tic­i­pant, you must also reg­is­ter a youth camper. Adult par­tic­i­pa­tion is option­al. If you plan to drop off your camper, please stay until they are checked in and reg­is­tered. We invite the impor­tant adults in our campers’ lives to join us for the clos­ing ceremony. 

Camp Lega­cy also offers an adult pro­gram with facil­i­tat­ed grief work, con­nec­tion with oth­er adults who have lost a loved one and are sup­port­ing chil­dren through grief, as well as time for reflec­tion and self-care.

Con­tact Us

Please reach out to our Donor Fam­i­ly Care team at DonorFamilyCareInbox@​iadn.​org with any questions.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.