Event Calendar

Event Calendar

2024 Give Life 5K: NEW DATE

Saturday, October 5

08:00 am

Raccoon River Park

Presented by Iowa Donor Network

Give Life 5K Resched­uled to Octo­ber 5th

Thank you for your patience and under­stand­ing when we had to can­cel due to weath­er on May 4th. We are excit­ed to announce the new date for our event:

Octo­ber 5, 2024
Rac­coon Riv­er Park, West Des Moines

  • 7:00 am Pack­et Pick-Up & Registration
  • 8:00 am Open­ing Ceremony
  • 8:15 am Warm-Up
  • 8:20 am Kids Fun Run
  • 8:30 am Race Begins

Your reg­is­tra­tions will car­ry over, and if you’ve already picked up your pack­et, please hold onto your race bib. For those who haven’t, we’ll keep them safe for the new date.

Event details:

  • Reg­is­tra­tion & fundrais­ing open until Octo­ber 5th
  • No extra steps need­ed to tran­si­tion to the new date
  • If you can’t attend, we can switch you to a vir­tu­al participant

For more infor­ma­tion or to reg­is­ter as a NEW race par­tic­i­pant vis­it www​.GiveLife5K​.com

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.