Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Public Education: Organ and Tissue Donation in the State of Iowa

Tuesday, April 8

05:30 pm

Decorah Public Library, Decorah, Iowa

Presented by Iowa Donor Network

Interested in learning more about organ and tissue donation? Join us for a special educational session with the Pavlovec Family as they share about their personal donation story.

Are you curious about what organ/tissue donation involves but aren’t sure where to find the best information? Do you ever wonder about the impact that donation can make on an individual? April is Donate Life month, so we welcome you to please join us for this presentation from the Iowa Donor Network. We will cover why you might consider becoming an organ and tissue donor, the legalities of signing up to be a donor, how to register, and the impact that organ and tissue donation has across the state of Iowa.

This educational presentation is delivered by Morganne Reinboldt, Community Engagement Coordinator at Iowa Donor Network. Iowa Donor Net­work (IDN) is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that oper­ates as the pri­ma­ry con­tact for organ, tis­sue and eye dona­tion ser­vices for the state of Iowa.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.