Event Calendar

Event Calendar

Wanna Have a Catch Day | A Living Donor Awareness Game

Saturday, May 10

11:00 am

Field of Dreams Movie Site, 28995 Lansing Rd, Dyersville, IA 52040

Presented by Living Liver Foundation in partnership with Team Iowa

The climactic scene from the iconic baseball film released in 1989, Field of Dreams, oftentimes brings women and men of all ages to tears when Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner, utters the famous line:  “Hey, Dad, you wanna have a catch?”   

Since its release, the movie and its memorable lines have carved a space in the lore of Americana such that the National Day Calendar recently declared the second Saturday in May as Wanna Have A Catch Day.

Accordingly, on Saturday, May 10, 2025, the Living Liver FoundationTransplant Life Foundation and Iowa Donor Network will officially launch this new national day by hosting a Living Donor Awareness Softball Game at the Field of Dreams movie site.

The inaugural game will feature two Transplant Games of America teams: Team Iowa vs. Team Wisconsin.

The idea to pursue the national day designation and hold this event came as a result of a life-long passion for baseball and unmatched enthusiasm for the Field of Dreams movie by living donor liver transplant recipient and member of Team Michigan, Dave Galbenski.  

“There is no greater visual metaphor for living organ donation than having a catch”, said Galbenski.  He further noted, “The living organ donor throwing the ball to their recipient dispels the myth that organs from deceased donors are the only way to save the life of a person in need.  It highlights that both donors and recipients return to active lives and brings joy and delight to those witnessing and participating in the catch.” 

The original Field of Dreams diamond has been reserved for exclusive access from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm.  For two hoursfrom 11:00 am - 1:00 pm, event attendees can have a catch with their donor, recipient or loved ones, mix, mingle and take photos with a few “ghost” players dressed in era uniforms and soak in the nostalgia of the movie site.   The pre-game festivities will occur from 1:00 - 1:30 pm with living donor and donor family recognition, ceremonial first pitches, game ball delivery, national anthem and more.  

At 1:30 pm, Team Wisconsin and Team Iowa will square off in the first annual Living Donor Awareness Softball Game vying for the coveted Shoeless Joe trophy.  After the game, attendees can spend additional time on the field further celebrating life and the joy of having a catch on the new national day.

Tickets are $40 each for individuals 13+ years old with children 12 years old and under attending free. 

We can't wait to celebrate National Wanna Have A Catch Day with you on May 10, 2025. Let's help make the event go viral by posting a video or photo of it on social media with the special hash tag: #haveacatchday.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.