When my father’s IgA nephropathy progressed to end-stage kidney failure, it was the first time I had seen him sick. He was put on emergency dialysis and suddenly the future was unknown. All of us were scared. He tried his best to accept his “new normal” and make dialysis a part of his routine. Truth be told, it was difficult for him. He was a free spirit and dialysis made him feel chained. There is a struggle to feel grateful for the dialysis that allows you to live and yet you feel your life is no longer your own. I remember the day my parents called me with THE NEWS. There was a match! Because of this generous gift, my father lived another 13 years and he lived each day as free as the day he was born. I am so very thankful to our donor family because they gave us the gift of time and my dad the ability to live a true, authentic life. Plus, I could be his “princess” for another 13 years. My love and gratitude to our donor family and every donor out there.
-- Jenny Pham, Recipient Daughter