Supporting Iowa Donor Network

Supporting Iowa Donor Network

Your Support Transforms Lives Through the Gift of Organ and Tissue Donation

Since 1994, Iowa Donor Net­work (IDN) has served the state of Iowa to enhance dona­tion and trans­plan­ta­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for fam­i­lies. At the cen­ter of this net­work are the organ, eye and tis­sue donors and their fam­i­lies, whose gen­eros­i­ty and courage make dona­tion pos­si­ble. IDN believes that it should cre­ate and main­tain a favor­able envi­ron­ment for giv­ing, empha­siz­ing the mis­sion of work­ing togeth­er to trans­form lives through the gift of organ and tis­sue dona­tion. Bring­ing mean­ing to our con­trib­u­tors is cen­tral to our phil­an­thropic philosophy.

Iowa Donor Net­work is a reg­is­tered 501(c)(3) char­i­ta­ble orga­ni­za­tion. Con­tri­bu­tions to Iowa Donor Net­work are tax-deductible to the extent per­mit­ted by law and we adhere to the stan­dards put forth in the Donor Bill of Rights. Iowa Donor Network’s Tax ID is 42 – 1414092.

For ques­tions or more infor­ma­tion about mak­ing a finan­cial con­tri­bu­tion to Iowa Donor Net­work, please con­tact Mon­i­ca West.

For ques­tions or more infor­ma­tion about join­ing our vol­un­teer pro­gram, please con­tact Anne Casey.

What Your Generosity Makes Possible

The phil­an­thropy pro­gram at Iowa Donor Net­work pro­vides dis­tinct ways for indi­vid­u­als touched by and pas­sion­ate about organ, eye and tis­sue dona­tion to put their finan­cial con­tri­bu­tions to work. Every dol­lar helps us meet our mis­sion of work­ing togeth­er to trans­form lives through the gift of organ and tis­sue dona­tion.

Sup­port­ing Families:

  • Iowa Donor Network’s Donor Fam­i­ly After­care Pro­gram pro­vides sup­port, resources and lega­cy oppor­tu­ni­ties to fam­i­lies of organ, eye and tis­sue donors. This pro­gram pro­vides grief sup­port for all ages and many oppor­tu­ni­ties for con­nect­ing with oth­er donor fam­i­ly mem­bers such as through our annu­al Can­dle­light Trib­ute events, donor fam­i­ly gath­er­ings, online through a pri­vate Face­book page, and more.
  • Iowa Donor Net­work pro­vides a spe­cial keep­sake for our organ donor fam­i­lies. A record­ing of the donor’s heart­beat is giv­en direct­ly to the fam­i­lies to keep. To date, this project has been sole­ly fund­ed by our part­ners at Mary Gree­ley Med­ical Center.
  • Writ­ing work­shops are pro­vid­ed to donor fam­i­lies and recip­i­ents at no cost to sup­port their grief jour­ney while learn­ing to com­mu­ni­cate with their recipient/​donor family.
  • Our Memo­r­i­al Gar­den hon­ors organ and tis­sue donors, trans­plant recip­i­ents and mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty. This peace­ful retreat offers a reflec­tive space for our fam­i­lies to enjoy.
Clin­i­cal Excel­lence and Innovation:

  • Increase IDNs capac­i­ty to pro­vide excel­lence and inno­va­tion through­out the entire organ, eye and tis­sue dona­tion process.
  • New organ preser­va­tion methods.
  • Organ trans­porta­tion and logistics.
  • Organ and tis­sue dona­tion com­mu­ni­ca­tion and tech­nol­o­gy interfaces.
Pub­lic Aware­ness and Education:

  • Edu­ca­tion and aware­ness pro­grams, like our Youth Driver’s Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram, is para­mount to rais­ing aware­ness for organ, eye and tis­sue dona­tion. Pro­gram work pro­vides edu­ca­tion, resources and mate­ri­als for the class­room and com­mu­ni­ty outreach.
  • Iowa Donor Network’s vol­un­teer pro­gram is ded­i­cat­ed to edu­cat­ing the com­mu­ni­ty about its mis­sion. It offers donor fam­i­lies, trans­plant recip­i­ents, trans­plant can­di­dates, liv­ing donors and oth­ers who have been touched by dona­tion or trans­plan­ta­tion the oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tribute to ongo­ing com­mu­ni­ty out­reach efforts in Iowa.
  • Our Diver­si­ty Task­force brings pro­gram­ming and events to engage diverse com­mu­ni­ties in the con­ver­sa­tion of donation.
  • The Annu­al Give Life 5K spread aware­ness and sup­port families.
  • Team Iowa at the Trans­plant Games of Amer­i­ca brings vis­i­bil­i­ty to the crit­i­cal impor­tance of organ, eye and tis­sue dona­tion, while cel­e­brat­ing the lives of organ donors and recip­i­ents on a local and nation­al scale.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.