Let’s Inspire Iowa to Donate Life!

Each April, dur­ing Nation­al Donate Life Month, Iowa Donor Net­work part­ners with hos­pi­tals, health care agen­cies, com­mu­ni­ty part­ners, and dona­tion advo­cates with the com­mon goal to save and heal lives by inspir­ing Iowans to reg­is­ter YES to becom­ing organ, tis­sue and eye donors.

Join us and help Iowa Donor Net­work achieve our vision that ​all are inspired to donate life.

Donate Life Month Part­ner Guide

Our Part­ner Guide is your go-to resource for craft­ing mean­ing­ful Donate Life Month cel­e­bra­tions. Packed with resources, it empow­ers our part­ners to advo­cate and engage effec­tive­ly through­out April. The guide pro­vides an array of ideas and tools to ensure that your par­tic­i­pa­tion leaves a last­ing impres­sion. Access it below and ele­vate your DLM activ­i­ties to new heights.

Donate Life Month Form

Join us in spark­ing a move­ment across Iowa this April. Share your plans with us by com­plet­ing the Donate Life Month Form. Whether it’s dis­play­ing posters, rais­ing the Donate Life Flag, illu­mi­nat­ing your facil­i­ty in green for Light Up for Life, or any oth­er activ­i­ty, we’re eager to hear how you’ll con­tribute to this life-affirm­ing campaign.

Need ideas? Dive into our Part­ner Guide for a vari­ety of cre­ative sug­ges­tions and prac­ti­cal tools. To ensure we can sup­port your efforts with resources, vol­un­teers, speak­ers, or pro­mo­tion­al assis­tance, please sub­mit your activ­i­ty details by Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 142025.

Donate Life Month Scorecard

We invite you to ampli­fy your engage­ment through our Donate Life Month Score­card. This inter­ac­tive tool is designed to help you plan, track, and cel­e­brate your orga­ni­za­tion’s activ­i­ties ded­i­cat­ed to rais­ing aware­ness and encour­ag­ing reg­is­tra­tions for organ, tis­sue and eye dona­tion.

With the Score­card, you can set ambi­tious goals, par­tic­i­pate in a vari­ety of activ­i­ties, and ulti­mate­ly see the tan­gi­ble impact of your efforts. From orga­niz­ing events to lever­ag­ing social media, every action con­tributes to a broad­er move­ment that saves lives.

Down­load your Score­card today and join us in a col­lec­tive mis­sion to inspire Iowa to donate life. Look for­ward to recog­ni­tion for your con­tri­bu­tions when you return the com­plet­ed Score­card by May 92025.

PDF must be opened in Adobe Acro­bat to sub­mit. Do not use your web browser.

Donate Life Month Toolkit

Dive into the Iowa Donor Net­work Toolk­it, a curat­ed col­lec­tion of mate­ri­als designed to assist you in your advo­ca­cy work. This toolk­it includes:

  • Tem­plates for var­i­ous com­mu­ni­ca­tion needs
  • Social media con­tent, includ­ing ready-to-post squares and posters 
  • Meet Your IDN Rep mate­ri­als for con­tact­ing your local IDN representative
  • Fly­ers to spread the word in your local community

In addi­tion to our local resources, the Donate Life Amer­i­ca Toolk­it pro­vides a nation­al per­spec­tive with a range of materials:

  • Ref­er­ence guides with FAQs and trans­plan­ta­tion sta­tis­tics, avail­able in Eng­lish and Spanish
  • Print­able mate­ri­als such as fly­ers, col­or­ing sheets, and cus­tomiz­able posts
  • A suite of social media images to main­tain a con­sis­tent and impact­ful online presence
  • Web ban­ners in var­i­ous sizes for your dig­i­tal mar­ket­ing efforts

Both toolk­its are avail­able to sup­port your Donate Life Month activ­i­ties, pro­vid­ing every­thing you need to inspire Iowans to reg­is­ter as donors. Uti­lize these toolk­its to cre­ate a com­pelling nar­ra­tive and visu­al pres­ence that res­onates with the com­mu­ni­ty and hon­ors the spir­it of donation.

Nation­al Donate Life Month Celebrations

Donate Life Liv­ing Donor Day

April 2, 2025
A day ded­i­cat­ed to cel­e­brat­ing liv­ing donors and the pow­er­ful impact of their gift of life. Share sto­ries and spread the word about the impor­tance of liv­ing donation.

Blue & Green Spir­it Week

Begins April 5, 2025
A week-long event filled with activ­i­ties to show sup­port for organ, tis­sue, and eye dona­tion. Get cre­ative with blue and green to express your support.

Nation­al Donate Life Blue & Green Day

Fri­day, April 11, 2025
All are encour­aged to wear blue and green. Take part in events, share your pho­tos, and use #Blue­Green­Day to con­nect with the Donate Life community.

Nation­al Pedi­atric Trans­plant Week

April 20 – 26, 2024
A week to focus on the unique needs of child recip­i­ents and to hon­or pedi­atric donor fam­i­lies. Engage in con­ver­sa­tions, share edu­ca­tion­al con­tent, and cel­e­brate the gifts of life giv­en and received by children.

Dona­tion Aware­ness Apparel

Would you like the design shown here to orga­nize an appar­el order?

Based on feed­back from last year, we will email you the design file and con­tact infor­ma­tion for our rec­om­mend­ed ven­dor, or you can order through your organization’s con­tract­ed appar­el com­pa­ny. This allows you to cus­tomize the appar­el based on your bud­get, item, col­or, etc.

To receive the design, select Yes” for ques­tion 19 in the Donate Life Month form above.

Or you can pur­chase appar­el through our online store: https://​pmap​par​el​.chip​ply​.com/​I​o​w​a​D​o​n​o​r​N​e​t​work/

Light up for Life

This April, dur­ing Nation­al Donate Life Month, take part in our Light Up For Life” statewide chal­lenge. We’re call­ing on part­ners across Iowa, includ­ing hos­pi­tals, busi­ness­es, and civic orga­ni­za­tions, to illu­mi­nate their build­ings in vibrant green and blue as bea­cons of hope.

Illu­mi­nate the night, inspire action by day, and share your sup­port by post­ing your Light Up For Life on social media. Don’t for­get to tag @IowaDonorNetwork and use the hash­tags #Ligh­tUp­For­Life, to help us high­light your contributions.

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.