Iowa Donor Net­work’s Donor Fam­i­ly Care Program

At Iowa Donor Net­work, we under­stand that say­ing good­bye to a loved one is dif­fi­cult and everyone’s grief jour­ney is dif­fer­ent. The role of our Donor Fam­i­ly Care pro­gram is to offer sup­port and resources to meet the needs of each donor fam­i­ly mem­ber, regard­less of their rela­tion­ship to the donor or type of loss they have endured. Our Donor Fam­i­ly Com­pan­ions offer a lis­ten­ing ear, facil­i­tate cor­re­spon­dence between donor fam­i­lies and recip­i­ents, offer updates as to how a donor’s gift(s) impact­ed oth­ers, and pro­vide infor­ma­tion on avail­able grief mate­ri­als and sup­port groups as well as noti­fy fam­i­lies of up-com­ing dona­tion relat­ed events. 

"Our son Jacob was able to save and restore many lives through his donated organs and tissues. Since losing our son, we have met two of his recipients. Seeing firsthand what the gift of life has meant to both of them has been instrumental in helping us heal from the loss of our beloved son."

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.