Please note that this infor­ma­tion is intend­ed for hos­pice and long-term care pro­fes­sion­als. If you reached this page by mis­take, please return to our home­page.

The Role of Hos­pice and Long Term Care in Donation

Health care providers play a cru­cial role in the organ, tis­sue, and eye dona­tion process. As a health care provider in the hos­pice or long term care set­ting, you can have a direct impact on dona­tion by noti­fy­ing Iowa Donor Net­work of all deaths that occur out­side of a hos­pi­tal. In doing so, you ensure that all Iowans are giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to leave a last­ing lega­cy through tis­sue and eye donation.

Upon admis­sion to hos­pice or long term care, IDN encour­ages you to pro­vide the patient and fam­i­ly mem­bers a guide to organ, tis­sue, and eye dona­tion. This resource pro­vides patients and fam­i­lies with gen­er­al infor­ma­tion on what can be donat­ed, dona­tion facts, and answers to com­mon ques­tions relat­ed to dona­tion. A Patient’s Guide to Organ, Tis­sue and Eye Dona­tion brochures are avail­able at no cost through Iowa Donor Net­work. Please con­tact an Iowa Donor Net­work Rep­re­sen­ta­tive for more information.

Iowa Donor Net­work is com­mit­ted to work­ing close­ly with your orga­ni­za­tion to devel­op pro­ce­dures to ensure that Iowa Donor Net­work is noti­fied of all deaths in a time­ly man­ner in order to pre­serve the oppor­tu­ni­ty for dona­tion. Please review the resources and ref­er­ences in this sec­tion and con­tact a mem­ber of our Hos­pi­tal and Part­ner Rela­tion team if you have any ques­tions or would like more infor­ma­tion on devel­op­ing pro­ce­dures for the noti­fi­ca­tion of Iowa Donor Network.

To learn more about the impact of dona­tion, please vis­it our Under­stand­ing Dona­tion page.

Addi­tion­al Resources:

Basic Death Noti­fi­ca­tion Infor­ma­tion for Hos­pice and Long Term Care

Com­mon Screen­ing Ques­tions for Out of Hos­pi­tal Deaths

Death Noti­fi­ca­tion Trig­ger Card

A Patien­t’s Guide to Organ, Tis­sue, and Eye Donation

Our Vision:

All are inspired to donate life.