About Team Iowa
Celebrate. Compete. Commemorate.
Team Iowa celebrates the gifts of organ, eye and tissue donation and encourages others to register as a donor. By competing in the Transplant Games of America we honor our donors, our donor families and celebrate life. The team consists of athletes and support members who participate in various events at the Transplant Games of America. Our athletes have received an organ, bone marrow, tissue or corneal transplant or are a living donor. We are always thrilled to welcome new team members and would love to have more people join our family for the next Transplant Games in Denver, Colorado!
To participate as an athlete in the Games you must meet the following requirements:
- Have received an organ, tissue, bone marrow or cornea transplant (regardless if you are taking anti-rejection medication or not) or you are a living donor.
- Transplant occurred at least 9 months prior to the start of the Games.
- You are in healthy condition and your doctor has signed a medical waiver allowing you to participate.
- You have signed a form stating that you meet the above requirements.
- You have completed an application form and background screening.
Support Team Members include:
- Family members and friends of the athletes
- Donor Families
- Transplant or Organ Procurement Organization professionals
- Other interested individuals who wish to support the team
General Responsibilities of a Team Iowa member are:
- Fill out a membership application and provide information to complete a background screening.
- Fill out an individual profile form to share your story in the Team Iowa Directory.
- Secure sponsorship and funds for Team Iowa ($750.00 minimum goal per athlete). Fundraising provides funding for continuing the mission of Team Iowa and helps offset the costs of attending the Games.
- Volunteer at Team Iowa and community events leading up to the Games.
- Share your personal story with your community to encourage support for donation and transplantation and to increase the number of those who register as a donor.
- Cheer on and support fellow teammates at the Transplant Games!
Team Iowa is organized and supported by Iowa Donor Network. Please contact team manager, Anna Wardenburg, if you would like to get involved.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Your financial gift provides critical education about organ, eye and tissue donation in our community and supports Team Iowa’s participation in the Games. The tragic reality remains that there are many more people waiting for transplants than there are organs available. By providing education about organ, eye and tissue donation and celebrating the life-saving and life-restoring benefits of transplantation, we are able to increase public support.
Your contribution guarantees your opportunity to be included in all promotional materials, including our website and team shirt. The sponsorship levels must be confirmed by March 31, 2026.
Visit Iowa Donor Network’s Sponsorship page to learn more about this opportunity.
Nominate a Donor Family to Attend the Transplant Games:
Team Iowa is proud to sponsor one donor family from Iowa to attend the 2026 Transplant Games of America (TGA) in Denver, Colorado from June 18-June 23, 2026. TGA is a wonderful opportunity for donor families to meet other families who have made the decision to donate life and to witness recipients who are now thriving thanks to the gifts they’ve received. Many donor families who attended have shared how healing and inspiring the experience has been for them. From sharing their loved one’s story, meeting others who have experienced a similar loss and witnessing the appreciation of transplant recipients, donor families find TGA to be an unforgettable experience they will never forget.
Through the open application process, individuals may nominate a family to participate or a family may directly apply. A Donor Family Nomination/Application must be filled out for consideration.
Please note that we welcome all families interested in participating in the Games. While we are only able to financially support one family’s participation, all families are invited to join the team and participate at their own expense. Families who have previously been sponsored by IDN/Team Iowa to attend either TGA or the Rose Parade are not eligible for sponsorship, but are invited to join the team. Exceptions will be considered if there is an extraordinary story to be told by a unique prospective participant. To learn more about Team Iowa and TGA, please visit the team website at IowaDonorNetwork.org/TeamIowa.
About the Transplant Games of America:
TGA occurs every other summer and is both a celebration of life and a way to honor the extraordinary generosity of donors and their families. Team Iowa is comprised of men, women and children from the transplant community who want to spread awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation.
Throughout the games, transplant recipients compete with other recipients from across the country in Olympic-style athletic events. In addition to the competitions, there are many events for donor family members, including the Opening Ceremonies, the Donor Tribute, 5K Walk/Run, Trivia and other Donor Family events. Join us to celebrate, compete, and commemorate.
Any questions or inquiries can be directed to Anna Wardenburg.
P: 319.631.7436
- The selected donor family must be available to travel to Birmingham, Alabama for the Games
- Only first time Transplant Games attendees are eligible
- The sponsored family will be expected to share their experience with members of their community to encourage others to sign up to be an organ, eye and tissue donors, including but not limited to news interviews, podcasts and radio shows.
- The sponsored family should be available to fully participate as a member of the team, including attending team meetings (in person or by phone/video chat), supporting team members at TGA events and by sharing their story with the team